Author: Malcolm Gladwell
Genre: nonfiction/ social psychology
3 Words: Intriguing, wide-encompassing, enlightening
Rating: 5/5 pens
Best Quote: "If everyone had to think outside the box, maybe it was the box that needed fixing"(Gladwell, 374)
The Gist:
Think you have an idea about the rules of society? Do you have an interest in a broad range of categories? What the Dog Saw: and other adventures by #1 bestselling author of The Tipping Point, David and Goliath, and Outliers may be the book for you. It is made up of pieces that Gladwell had published throughout his carrier. The individual pieces are organized into three main sections. The first section, Obsessives, Pioneers, and Other Varieties of Minor Genius, focuses on the success stories of individuals in a wide range of professions from salesman to dog trainers. Each chapter focuses on a different story and has a different central theme. The second section, Theories, Predictions, and Diagnoses, takes a look at common problems in the world from the homeless to the medical field. Gladwell points out alternate solutions to the problems at hand using evidence to back his claim. The third section, Personality, Character, and intelligence, focuses on how these traits are viewed in the world today and how they are often viewed the wrong way.
It is hard to give a summary of the content of this book without spoilers so I will present you with the format of each chapter. Malcolm Gladwell likes to take issues that seem like common knowledge or issues of extreme controversy and look deeper at what we think we know. He usually presents the issue in the form of an anecdote, showing how the topic arises in everyday life. Throughout the remainder of the chapter Gladwell masterfully links the original anecdote to a variety of other scenarios all the while citing scientific research to back his claim. Once he feels his point is proven he leads the reader back to the original issues and clearly connects how the solution applies to that circumstance, usually ending with his message clearly stated.
My thoughts:
The negatives: It is not an easy task to name the negative parts of this book for there aren’t many. One possible place of concern is the F-word appears once during the book. Also the information could be presented with a bias, by specifically picking the cases that prove the authors point and by ignoring cases that may show the opposite. Throughout the book, Gladwell rarely brings up specific arguments against his case. He spends most of his time showing the data that supports him. In this circumstance, however, if he spent all the time presenting the oppositions case the novel would turn into an encyclopedia and that is not the purpose of this book. So it is understandable why he left that out.
The Pros: My favorite aspect of this book is the amount of topics that it covers. I seldom find myself only interested in one topic, and this book gives you an opportunity to explore a wide range of topics. Not only does the book build your education, but it also supplies a source of entertainment. After reading this book I feel like I know significantly more than when I started.
At the beginning of the book, Gladwell states that he put together this book to allow people to get a perspective of other people’s live and that is exactly what he achieved. Dispite the mass amount of different topics, each one felt very personal as if you knew the person in the story. The amount of research Gladwell put into every chapter is incredible. His attention to detail helps the reader to better connect with the individuals in the stories, he writes it in a way that does not feel educational but simply like reading a story.
Since I have been reading a few of Malcolm Gladwell’s books over the past few weeks, I have become fond of his style. He writes with an easy flow to his sentences and ideas. Each idea connects to the last seamlessly, allowing the reader to go through page after page in a matter of minutes. That kind of effortless reading is enjoyable to me and adds to the enjoyment of picking up a good book.
Recommendation: Out of the Malcolm Gladwell books I have read so far this is by far my favorite. I would recommend this book for anyone who has an interest in psychology or any social issues. Also if you just like critical thinking and entertaining stories, you will enjoy this book. If one of the stories does not interest you, then simply skip it and move onto the next chapter. This was an easy 5/5 pens.
Gladwell, Malcolm. What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009.
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